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A group of women at a business meeting

Terms of Services

Terms of Service: Welcome


Empowerment Solutions is trademarked by USPTO and all information contained within this website is copyrighted protected under the Digital Millennium Act of 1998 (DMCA).  Copying this website content and terms of service is prohibited without written permission from Empowerment Solutions and will be enforced to the full extent of the law.


An appointment's cancellation must be made 24 hours before your appointment time. Failure to do so will result in the loss of your session. An appointment must be rescheduled at least 24 hours before your appointment time. Failure to do so will result in the loss of that session. Tardiness passed 10 minutes will result in complete cancellation and loss of your appointment.


in order for Empowerment Solutions to provide you with the best services for your career needs, we offer consultations and questionnaires to gather important information that will give you the best experience. Clients who fail to complete the questionnaire or intake process will be subject to incomplete information and delayed services. Clients will have 30 days from when the service is booked to submit the questionnaire and the requested documents. Empowerment Solutions reserves the right to terminate the service if we do not receive the required documents after 30 days.
After selecting the service on our website, you will be instructed to schedule a time and then make a payment. After the payment is made, a confirmation and questionnaire will be sent to your email address.


if you (the client) purchase our job search service, the client agrees that while Empowerment Solutions provides the best job searching experience, we cannot guarantee or promise that clients will land a new job or promotion, this would also apply with our resume, LinkedIn & coaching services.  We provide you with the best action plan, and it is ultimately the client's responsibility to follow the plan.  We are also not responsible for market conditions, job posting changes, and how employers manage their hiring process. Additionally, we are not responsible for Client’s use or non-use of the resume or writing project.


Empowerment Solutions doesn’t guarantee the results of the information applied on our website or materials provided to you. We share educational and informational resources to help you succeed in your career. You nevertheless need to know that your ultimate success or failure will be the result of your efforts, your particular situation, and innumerable other circumstances beyond our knowledge and control. You (the client) agree and acknowledges that Empowerment Solutions can’t take any responsibility for the results of your actions and any harm or damage you suffer as a result of the use or non-use of the information available on this website or materials provided to you. Please use judgment and conduct due diligence before taking action or implementing any suggested plan or practice.


Initial versions will be sent to the client, and the client will have up to 14 days to review the draft and email the revisions to If the client fails to request revisions within 14 days, it will be considered acceptance and finalization of the draft. We include up to three free rounds of revisions for resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn content.

Revisions do not include significant re-writing or adding additional information. Therefore, it is essential to be present for the consultation call and complete the questionnaire to avoid missing pieces of information. Revisions will be delivered to the client within 3-5 business days.   Free revisions constitute one of the following: a factual error, a grammar mistake, and a spelling mistake.


Client understands and acknowledges that Empowerment Solutions prices are based on skill, time, customization, and complexity depending on the service provided.  All transactions are final and cannot be split.  No refunds will be established once the client signs and accepts the terms of service and services has been started.


Empowerment Solutions advertises through social media and various platforms and agrees that it will not share your (the client) personal information unless you grant us permission to use as a testimonial. Maintaining confidentiality is one of our highest priorities and any information shared through consultations, coaching sessions, resumes, questionnaires remain confidential.


the client agrees not to disclose the terms of this agreement and any information provided by Empowerment Solutions to any third party.  The client also agrees not use confidential information or information not marked confidential from Empowerment Solutions without written consent. The Client agrees to use the highest degree of care in protecting any information or any Confidential Information of the other party against loss or other inadvertent disclosure.


Empowerment Solutions is not responsible for the truthfulness or accuracy of the information provided by clients. We are not liable for inaccurate, incorrect, or misleading statements in documents based on the information that is provided by the client. Clients are responsible for finalizing their documents for completeness and accuracy before submitting to the employer. Empowerment Solutions is not responsible for any damage or injury caused by omissions, false statements, or other inaccuracies. Clients agree to hold Empowerment Solutions harmless from any such liability. Should Client wish to file suit against Empowerment Solutions, the jurisdiction/choice of law shall be in Maryland and each party shall bear its own costs in filing suit.

Terms of Service: CV
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